6 Habits Affecting Your Immune System

When it comes to your immune system, it is not all about being exposed to germs and washing your hands. There are many lifestyle factors which can have a negative impact on your immune system, including bad habits or other areas which you might not have even thought about.

How You Can Protect Your Immune System

As a crucial starting point, your immune system is going to be in its best condition if you lead a healthy and active lifestyle. It’s nothing new to learn that living healthily and making healthy choices will benefit your body overall.

You can also look into alternatives like an IV solution from resetiv.com which is packed with vitamins and minerals to give your immune system a boost, whenever you need.

6 Habits Affecting Your Immune System

Here is a list of certain habits which can have a direct effect on your immune system.

1. Stress

Stress is never pleasant, and it’s clear emotionally and physically how long periods of significant stress can affect your health. It may be exhaustion, low mood and muscle aches and pain, but it’s often apparent when stress is impacting your body.

What’s not so obvious is that stress actually has a negative impact on your immune system, too. When the body is stressed, its ability to produce infection-fighting cells is compromised. You may also find that when you’re stressed, you feel more run down and more likely to catch a cold or flu.

2. Not Getting Enough Sleep

The right amount of sleep is critical for a healthy, working body. During sleep, the body can easily work to repair and recover cells and keep the body in optimum shape. If you’re neglecting the hours of sleep, you have each night, over time, this will have a negative impact on your body, increasing the risk of health problems and impairing your immune system.

3. Smoking

The nicotine in cigarettes or e-cigarettes increases hormones in the body while reducing the number of antibodies which can fight off infection. This leaves an immune system less able to sufficiently fight off germs.

4. Drinking

The occasional drink here and there isn’t a problem for your overall health, but excessive drinking can cause the immune system to decline. Alcohol can prevent the body’s natural infection-fighting abilities, which means people who excessively drink are more likely to catch germs and illnesses.

5. Not Getting Enough Exercise

Failing to exercise will have a snowball effect on your health over time. Inactivity and lack of movement can increase the risk of fat cells, diseases, inflammation and more, including a compromised immune system which won’t be as effective in fighting off infection.

6. Getting Too Much Exercise

Yes, there is actually a thing as getting too much exercise! There is always a chance that you can overwork your body and put it through tremendous strain due to excessive exercise, which doesn’t give your body the proper time to recover. This, in turn, can also increase the risk of an immune system unable to fight off infection.