Overcoming Common Challenges When Applying for Business Loans

Before applying for a business loan, an entrepreneur must know how to overcome the challenges they might face during the process to increase the chances of getting approved for a business loan. 

Facing challenges when applying for a loan is normal, but can be avoided or overcome by doing the following:

Business Is Too Young

When applying for a business loan, one may encounter challenges, particularly if their business is relatively new. It’s because 20% of startups fail within the initial two years, causing lenders to perceive them as high-risk ventures.

Typically, traditional lenders prefer to work with established businesses with a track record of financial stability and operational success. The longer your business has been in operation, the more financial history you have to demonstrate your company’s profitability and ability to repay debts.

Startups and younger enterprises, on the other hand, often face stricter scrutiny as they may not have the extensive credit history or proven revenue streams that give lenders confidence.

What you can do to overcome this challenge is to seek alternative lending. Consider getting online quick cash loan from trustworthy lenders. Many of these lenders aren’t too strict regarding their business loan requirements. 

Not Having Any Collateral 

Having collateral is one way of securing a business loan. A collateral acts as a security in exchange for the funds you are trying to obtain. However, newly established businesses still won’t have an asset to offer as collateral for their business loans. 

When faced with the challenge of applying for a business loan, consider utilizing your assets as collateral instead. Lenders typically require collateral that can be easily converted into cash. When faced with the challenge of applying for a business loan, consider utilizing your assets as collateral instead. Lenders typically require collateral that can be easily converted into cash. You can use your corporate bonds, treasury bonds, or stock as collateral. An alternative type of security includes tangible assets such as machinery, vehicles, or property.

Often, creditors insist on valuing these items by a professional appraiser to ascertain their worth accurately. It’s not uncommon for certain small business loan agreements to necessitate the forfeiture and sale of personal assets, like your residence or automobile, as part of the collateral requirements.

Didn’t Invest a Capital 

Traditional lenders will also consider if you have invested personal capital in your business growth. It’ll prove to them that you have the willpower to grow your business, which can indicate success. 

To ensure a good impression on the lender, you should invest some personal funds into your business, whether for starting or expansion. 

When doing this, make sure that you document everything so that you’ll have proof that you invested some personal money in your business.  

Business Is In A Risky Industry

Historically, obtaining business loans for certain enterprises, like dining establishments and retail goods, has posed a challenge due to the presumed high risk of failure attributed to these sectors by financiers. 

Contrary to this belief, the notion that the restaurant industry is fraught with more risk than other sectors is unfounded. Small businesses’ likelihood of success or failure is relatively consistent across various industries.

Yet, prejudices towards specific sectors remain, making it challenging for some small enterprises to secure loans from conventional banks. Industries perceived as high-risk, such as the restaurant sector, particularly after the effects of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, may find it exceedingly tough to obtain traditional financing.

If this is the case, you may consider a Government-backed loan for small businesses or try crowdfunding to help you fund your business. Although online lenders can also be a good alternative to traditional banks and lenders, having more options can increase your chance of acquiring funds for your business.

Not Knowing How Much To Ask

Many entrepreneurs apply for a loan without even knowing how much to ask. First, it’s always crucial that you only ask for the amount you need.

However, lenders and banks have a formula for how much they can lend you. This formula is referred to as the debt service ratio. The Debt-Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) indicates a company’s financial health, specifically its capability to cover its debt payments.

For instance, if your business has a net income of $100,000 and a debt service of $60,000, your DSCR will be 1.67. For your business loan or line of credit application, your DSCR should not be below 1.25. 

It reveals to investors and creditors the sufficiency of a company’s earnings to settle its debt. This figure is derived by dividing the company’s net operating income by its total debt service, including the principal and interest payments.

The Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) assesses the sufficiency of a company’s operating income to cover its debt payments. To increase your chance of getting approved for a business loan, loaning an amount within your DSCR eligibility is advisable.


Securing a business loan is a meticulous process marred with challenges, but thorough preparation and a strategic approach can substantially enhance your prospects. So, if you are applying for a business loan and are facing challenges, always remember that there are ways you can overcome them. Proper planning and a strong financial standing can increase your chances of getting approved for a business loan. Remember to carefully assess your options and choose a loan that best suits your business needs. Good luck!

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from pexel.com