What are the Best Trees to Plant for the Environment?

Today, stories of harsh climatic conditions are nothing new. News of a pressed ecosystem is hitting hard, as it takes center stage in the mainstream media. 

Recently, the increased number of vehicles, industries, and fossil fuel has led to a massive CO2 influx in the atmosphere. This could only mean one thing; our environment is more polluted like never before. Scientifically, it’s proven that probably one of the simplest ways to counter the CO2 influx in the atmosphere is by planting trees. 

But the question is, can all trees help with environmental conservation? Maybe yes. Maybe no. But what’s obvious is that trees of all sizes, shapes, and genetic composition absorb CO2 from the atmosphere during photosynthesis. We had to consult a tree trimming company for what their opinion is for the best trees to plant.   

Trees Initiative to Environment Conservation

In this post, we suggest the 5 best trees you can plant to help with environmental conservation. Wondering if your mahogany fits the bill? Is it the red pine? Or the red oak? Maybe the black walnut? Keep reading for more details. 

But before that, what exactly is carbon, and why is it important? 

What is Carbon Storage in Trees?

Carbon is a unique element that’s critical to plant and animal living. Although there’s a constant amount of carbon in the atmosphere, it keeps moving and changing in form depending on different circumstances. 

The combustion of fossil fuels, for example, converts carbon to CO2, which can be harmful for many reasons. Carbon IV oxide (CO2) is majorly known for its contribution to global warming, the planetary reaction to the increasing temperature for many years. 

While scientists are formulating techniques to help capture CO2 and reduce its effects in the environment, one of the suggested ways over the years is tree planting. All terrestrial trees require carbon IV oxide during photosynthesis, and that’s why they are key to eradicating this harmful product from the atmosphere to give a calm, safe, and healthy environment. 

Which Types of Trees Should You Plant?

A great consensus exists that terrestrial trees offer one of the easiest ways to clean the environment by lowering the carbon IV oxide content in the atmosphere. However, not all trees are well-suited for this role because some store just a little amount of carbon, which may not be good enough for your backyard. 

Here are a few things to look out for in a perfect tree for environmental conservation;

  • Fast-growing options that store more carbon at the early stages of their lives
  • Consider long-lasting trees that can serve you for generations
  • Leaf size is an important criterion when choosing these trees. Always prioritize trees with large leaves
  • Most of the disease-resistant species with reduced maintenance needs will do well in any environment
  • Native species are some of the best options that also embrace wildlife

Best Trees to Plant for the Environment

Silver Maple

Silver maple gets its name from the silvery nature of its leaves. Silver maple is a popular choice for environmental conservation because it can capture close to 25 000 pounds of carbon IV oxide within 55 years. 

In rural settings, these trees thrive in wet areas, and the fact they are easy to grow is another plus. While it will still grow in a condensed space, this tree is more attractive in open areas where most of your plants will not thrive. 

Yellow Poplar

Yellow poplar is regarded as one of the best carbon-storing trees globally, and its popularity only confirms why this is so. Unlike most other carbon-effective trees, yellow poplar, or the tulip tree as it is sometimes known, thrives in rough conditions. 

With proper maintenance and sufficient space, this tree can reach 90-120 feet, a clear indication that space is key to its growth and ultimate thriving. Lastly, it’s 4-lobed leaves are great for photosynthesis, meaning it is one of the best options for carbon-storage needs.


Oaks are strong, but it seems their strength is not the only reason they are popular. These trees also have large canopies with features best suited for amazing carbon sequestering. 

Scarlet oak boasts shiny leaves, which is just exceptional during fall. On the other hand, red oaks can reach 90 feet, so they require sufficient space to thrive, not to mention their beautiful color in fall. Lastly, Virginia oak is unique, and unlike most other oak trees you may know, it is slightly evergreen with shiny, long, leaves with no lobes. 

The best part? Oaks are also a great habitat for wildlife. 

London Plane

The London plane tree is a city clicker with specific features that make it tolerant to pollution, pests, and cold. This tree thrives in urban centers. Like the oaks, the London tree plane is a large tree that can grow up to 66-98 feet or even more in maturity. 

While they may get messy over time, the London plane trees have an excellent disease-resistant property, which makes them great selections for many backyards. This amazing carbon-storing tree is a hybrid combination of the Oriental plane and the American sycamore tree and has been in existence since the 17th century.


For the conifer group, pines are the first-class carbon-effective options. The Hispaniola, white, red, and Ponderosa species are not only excellent options in many forests but also suitable for backyard planting. 

Let’s face it; pines require a large space to thrive. So, if this is not a problem, they will be the standard carbon-effective conifers for your yard. Be sure to sieve through the available selections to find the right pine for your location. 

The Bottom Line

The list of the fastest-growing trees for the environment is endless. But you don’t have to break the bank to get what you are looking for. Today, trees are not just used to define a landscape but also carry many positive benefits. The next time you decide to go green, be sure to choose a reliable shade provider that will also do your environment a world of good. Perhaps its time to go green, then.