3 health problems you don’t have to put up with

From suffering the effects of stress to experiencing headaches or problems in the bedroom, there are certain health issues you might think you simply have to put up with when in fact there are simple ways to avoid or treat them. To help you improve your wellbeing, here are three medical problems you can do something about.

  1. Stress

From pressure at work to difficulties at home, stress can build up for a number of reasons. While a certain amount of stress is natural, if you experience too much of it for too long, the effects can be disastrous for your health. It can cause anything from stomach upsets to high blood pressure. It can even raise your risk of having a heart attack or stroke, and studies have suggested that long-term stress can harm your immune system and increase your odds of developing viral infections.

The good news is, there are steps you can take to control your stress levels. Firstly, try to identify the source of the pressure and, if possible, find ways to tackle it. Whether it’s changing the way you work, asking for help from family or friends or making more time for yourself to relax and unwind, taking action like this could dramatically change the way you feel. Getting more sleep and upping your exercise levels can play a role in combating stress too.

  1. PE

Many people suffer from difficulties in the bedroom, and one problem that’s often not discussed is premature ejaculation (PE). This refers to when a man ejaculates too early during sex. As LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor highlights, it’s thought that the issue affects most men at some point in their lives. Embarrassment can stop people from seeking help for PE, but trying to ignore the issue can make it worse and it can also cause problems in relationships.

PE can have psychological or physical causes, or a combination of the two. For example, possible triggers include stress, depression, anxiety about sexual performance or heightened physical sensitivity. There are a range of treatments available, including anaesthetic creams that help to decrease physical sensitivity and prescription tablets that work by delaying ejaculation impulses in the brain. Counselling or couples therapy can also help.

  1. Headaches

Headaches affect a lot of people. In fact, according to the World Health Organisation, it’s believed that nearly half of all adults will have experienced this type of discomfort at least once within the last year, and many people suffer this pain on a much more frequent basis. It’s not always possible to eliminate headaches, but there are lots of things you can do to reduce your risk of getting them.

Drinking lots of water and making sure you get enough sleep can lower the chances that you’ll suffer a headache, and taking time out of your schedule to relax can cut your risk too. If you feel pain developing, try taking paracetamol or ibuprofen. On the other hand, avoid drinking alcohol, and make sure you don’t skip meals. Also, try not to strain your eyes by using screens for long periods of time. If you need to use a computer or other device at work, make sure you take regular breaks to give your eyes a rest.

The more you understand about common health problems and how to avoid them, the better able you’ll be to look after your wellbeing. If you’re ever unsure about a medical issue and you want information or advice, don’t hesitate to speak to a doctor, pharmacist or another health specialist.