Quick Tips for Logging into Secure Websites on Public Networks

You may have all the time in the world to check your accounts but if your workplace has a firewall set up, there will be limitations on where you can go. Facebook happens to be one of the most commonly blocked websites by employers because they don’t think that the social media behemoth has anything to do with useful information or work-related duties. Using a Facebook Proxy Login Website, you can gain access to your Facebook account on just about any public network. Of course, you should be cautious about logging your accounts when you are on a public computer or network. Here’s some quick and easy tips you should use to stay safe while gaining access to the websites you want to visit.

Know What You Agree to

Most of the time, when you use a public computer on a secure network for the first time, there are some boxes that come up when you first get connected. In most instances, these dialogue boxes tell you upfront whether or not your computer usage is going to be monitored. Read over each dialogue box in full before hitting the ‘I agree’ button. Even with a proxy login website, if you are restricted from going to Facebook or any other social network while you work, your employer could have good reason to take disciplinary action against you.

Proxies Are Your Friend

Proxies are basically just IP address masks, so it would be useful to have a way to disguise that you’re even on a public network. Look at this way – IP addresses on public computers seldom change. IT administrators can see who initiates each new web session as well as where they go when they’re online. If you typically spend 3 or 4 hours on Facebook, you can be accused of being unproductive at work. Just use a proxy website instead to visit your profiles and you won’t be questioned about your time online.

Clearing Web Session History

This is probably the most important tip you’re going to receive. You can use all of the proxies you want but if you are on someone else’s computer or public network, they can pretty much see where you have gone while online, and even what passwords you typed in. You have to look at what security measures are in place on the public network you’re accessing, then go into the right settings to delete your web history. This includes cookies, websites visits – there could be information about your web session stored in a few different places.

All in all, it’s going to be more effective for you to just log in via a proxy and not spend too much time on any social network website so that you at least have an explanation if you leave behind any footprints. Show that you use Facebook for networking or even to find information that’s not available on the web anywhere else, like business pages for research purposes. While you don’t want to slack off at work, you should still be able to access various websites freely.